shortened arrows

well where do you want this killing done?

god said out on highway 61

every rote formed body is owned up to by its own up-to'ed story but is
really less owned than storied. if you want to be a philosopher on the
cheap, try concocting the ephemeral mix of subjectivity into a synonym for
"the truth"

i.e. the "serious" truth of the singularized subject that tells "the one
true truth" about all serious truth, like the long gone language that goes
along in order to git along - - -

or to say, er, the, well, 0' u no -

"It's a harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd
a gonna fall"

and the gawd licensed neo con hoards are the least of it as maybe so they
don't pay taxes but mean while and some how they are still not aware that
they are unaware of awareness as A force


ps: they should talk to me in stead of the air, not to slight the air butttt

--- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---

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