Get Rid of Them Quick!

Yesterday I translated [in my crude way] a section from Martin Heidegger:
Published writings 1910-1976, volume 16: Speeches and other certifications of
a life way. 842 S., LN. Eur 84

Here it is the section in the original German:

Als in denselben Tagen das berüchtigte Gesetz zur "Wiederherstellung des
Berufsbeamtentums" in Kraft trat, das ein Berufsverbot für jüdische Professoren
mit sich zog, schreibt Heidegger an die Dekane: "Ich bitte, für eine
restlose und klare Durchführung.... Sorge zu tragen, andernfalls läuft die
Universität Gefahr, jedes Eintreten für bedrohte Kollegen selbst aussichtslos zu

Any corrections of my German are welcome. This is my own translation which I
haven't had checked out with a German speaker - so it may be faulty…but…here
When in the those days the notorious law was introduced for the
"re-establishment of the civil service with tenure" which entailed a professional
disqualification for Jewish professors, Heidegger writes to the Dean:

"I ask, for a complete and clear implementation [execution].... Otherwise
the University runs the risk of making each entry a threat to colleagues
themselves hopeless of any prospects." Martin Heidegger.

So what does all that tell us?
Does Heidegger protest at the dismissal and replacement of the Jewish staff
members? Is there any special pleading from him to reverse the decision? No
- he wants to get it over with as quickly as possible in order that the
embarrassing situation of an outgoing Jewish professor clearing his desk whilst
the new Nazi replacement stands nervously twisting his swastika armband waiting
to take over.
Now the word * Eintreten* could refer to a new entry of students for all I
know, [a new student year] If this is so then forget my image of the nervous
replacement and just concentrate on the disgusting treatment of his Jewish
colleagues, not to mention that of his old mentor Husserl to whom he owed so
much and who was responsible for securing him the position in the first place.
Apparently in an act of vicious cruelty he relieved his friend of the key to
the university library as a final demonstration of his evil nature.
Not yet convinced?

Then what about the letter he wrote to the Society for the Support of German
Science recommending the non-Jewish Eduard Baumgarten for financial
assistance in his studies:
I would like to say more clearly in this letter what I could only hint at
indirectly in my report: It is nothing less than the urgent consideration that
we are faced with a choice, either to provide our German intellectual life
once more with real talents and educators rooted in our own soil or to hand
over that intellectual life once and for all to a growing influence of the Jews.”
He employs the word “verjudung” which is not complimentary



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