Heideggerian Christmas Party Game

A Heideggerian Christmas Party Game I came across on the Internet.
Everyone has to take turns thinking of a way that they could comport
themselves towards death. The winner, he or she that manages to keep providing
another comportment towards the Valhalla of Heideggerian *nothingness* as each
competitor is challenged, gets a personally autographed postcard of *The
Scream* by Norwegian Symbolist/Expressionist painter Edvard Munch, and a coupon
which can be exchanged for any coffin up to the value of $3000 dollars
Guaranteed to liven up any creepy Heideggerian social gathering
1. Heart attack
2. A guy runs a red light and slams into you
3. A blood clot breaks loose in your leg and moves to your heart
4. Murdered for the money in your pocket
5. Choke to death on the food you’re eating
6. Sucked under water by a rip tide
7. Drive by shooting
8. Suffocate in your sleep from invisible carbon dioxide
9. A rock shoots out of running lawn mower you are walking by and hits
you in the head
10. Lightning strikes you
11. The mosquito that just sucked on you gave you a deadly virus
12. The person you just had sex with has AIDS
13. You are about to have a deadly reaction to the drug you just took
14. The machinery you're working on could malfunction and kill you
15. The airplane you're on could crash
16. The building or bus you’re in could get blown up by terrorists
17. The gun you’re cleaning or playing with could accidentally go off
18. You could be trapped in a burning car or building
19. You could drown after hitting your head on the bottom of the pool
20. You could fall off that ladder and break your neck
21. You could have a massive stroke
22. You could trip trying to beat a train across the tracks
23. You could fall out of the back of the pickup truck you’re riding in
24. Alcohol poisoning from the party you’re having so much fun at
25. You could slip and fall in the shower and hit your head on the edge
26. A woman can die unexpectedly in minutes during childbirth
27. Something could fall from the sky and hit you
28. Your brakes fail in your car
29. A poorly made tire could blow out on your car
30. The roller coaster ride malfunctions and throws you from the top
31. A disgruntled employee could go on a killing spree at your office
32. Another golfer could strike a ball and hit you in the head
33. A natural disaster
34. You could accidentally mix the wrong cleaning chemicals together and
die from the fumes
35. You are attacked and killed by a wild animal which broke out of its
cage at the zoo
You can die under anesthesia having your wisdom teeth extracted
37. You are thrown from a horse onto a fence and die from internal
A diabetic's blood sugar drops too low while driving and passes out causing
an auto accident
39. You may be cut by an object and die from tetanus
40. The gas in the soft drink you just drank will trap in the esophagus
and cause you to suffocate
41. A doctor might prescribe the wrong medicine that interacts with
another you are taking and kill you
42. You're chopping wood and the axe head flies off and crushes your
43. A formally harmless pet could get rabies and attack you
44. You accidentally left the natural gas in the oven running and it
explodes when you light it
45. You go skydiving and the parachute system gets tangled or fails
46. You try bungee jumping and they miscalculate the distance causing
you to slam into the ground
47. Killed in a hunting accident by another hunter
48. A common infection turns very bad and kills you
49. A wild animal attacks you while you are camping or hiking
50. You're at the local race car track and a crash kills you while
you're sitting in the stands
51. A large branch from a tree you are cutting down snaps as you cut
through it, hitting you and killing you instantly
52. A car hits you while you're out on your Saturday morning bike ride
53. A terrorist bomb explodes on the bus your riding on
54. Your car stalls on a lonely highway in the middle of winter and you
freeze to death
55. You're out on the lake and your boat hits another boat and explodes
into flames
56. You have an allergic reaction to a bee or spider bite, or a drug
you've been given
57. You could say the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time
and they might snap and kill you
58. Kicked in the head by horse you just walked behind
59. Stung to death by bees or wasps after accidently bumping a hive
60. You might have a genetic defect unknown to you that brings death at
any moment
61. Buried alive when an earthquake collapses the building your in
62. The cave, mine or tunnel you are in suddenly caves in, trapping you
63. Murdered by a family member or jealous lover
64. You could fall asleep and never wake up
65. You could break your neck trying to do a trick on a trampoline
66. You could be killed while serving on military duty
67. You could be that '1 in 1,000' that dies from complications from a
minor surgery
68. While skiing you run into a tree and die from internal trauma
69. You could have an asthma attack and can't find your inhaler
70. You could be victim of a shark attack while swimming in the ocean
71. You could fall through the ice on a frozen pond or lake
72. You could slip on a mountain trail while hiking or biking and plunge
to your death
73. You're riding a motorcycle and a car doesn't see you and pulls right
out in front of you
74. You could fall asleep while driving and get killed
75. You could be electrocuted by a faulty cord or wire
76. You could be working under your vehicle and the vehicle falls on you

77. Your boat/canoe could overturn and you are trapped under water and
78. You could become lost in the woods and die from exposure
79. You could become overheated in the summer and die from heat stroke
80. You could die from a brown recluse (fiddleback) spider bite
81. Your appendix could burst and you are too far from a hospital to be
treated in time
82. You could be randomly killed for no reason by a serial murderer or
83. You could choke to death on the number one cause of choking deaths,
whatever that may be at the time
84. You could slide out on a greasy, rain slick curve and plummet off a
cliff to your death
85. You could trip down a stairway and break your neck
86. While scuba diving, you die from nitrogen narcosis (breathing
compressed air)
87. You get thrown off an ATV four-wheeler and burst your skull on rock
or tree
88. A seemingly harmless blow to the chest at just right moment can stop
your heart instantly
89. You could be captured by a terrorist group and beheaded
90. Slip on spill in the grocery store and hit your head on the floor
91. You become one of the thousands who die from the flu each year
92. You slip on an icy sidewalk and bust your head on the concrete
93. You could be talking on your cell phone while driving and hit
another car when not paying attention
94. You could be bucked off a horse and break your neck
95. You could be gored to death in the running of the bulls in Pamplona,
96. The elevator your riding on could have a catastrophic equipment
failure and plummet to the ground floor
97. While driving through high water in a rainstorm your car could be
washed away and you drown
98. A rail breaks loose from a 10th story apartment balcony and you
plunge to your death
99. At a concert, a fire breaks out and you are trampled to death by the
panicked crowd
100. After an ice storm, a large icicle breaks off from a roof and
hits you in the head
101. Something frightens you so bad your hearts literally stops and
you die from a massive heart attack
102. You get trapped in a forest fire with no way out
103. The propane tank on your outdoor grill explodes
104. Hit by a line drive foul ball at a baseball game
105. You could trip on the wet kitchen floor while carrying a knife
and stab yourself
106. You could be the victim of a "road rage" shooting after you
accidently cut someone off
107. A trannie-piloted airplane strikes the skyscraper you are in;
either on purpose or on accident
108. You fall into an abandoned well or mine shaft
109. The bridge you are crossing collapses and you plunge to your



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