Decon: NO! Meaning: YES!

Thank you, Ray, for the response. While I think your answer actually proves
my whole point about deCon, I want to thank you for the courtesy of a
reply, as opposed to SOME PEOPLE here who seem to be so baffled by
questions that they respond with negative personal aspersions. Good grief!
I have never even thought about voting REPUBLICAN (though I know some very
nice ones and the more I listen to liberal cant the more tempted I become.)

I won't requote everything so far. I'm sure those who are following the
discussion can track and those who have tuned out will simply continue to
hit the 'delete' key.

The very fact that you don't appear to be sure what your sentence means is
precisely the problem. NO ONE knows what deCon is because---by its own
assertions--words are indeterminate. My opinion is that words DO have mean
even though they are are shades of meaning and one can be misunderstood.

If I can take one phrase that you wrote and come back with a paragraph of
plausible interpretations (some better than others) then there is something
unclear about the initial statement. The 'whole problem with deCon' is that
it is so 'bitter' about the 'indeterminacy of existence' (that simply means
that we don't know why we are here on earth) that it adds to this
existential dilema with yet more confusion.

David Sucher

David, Washington
CITY COMFORTS: How to Build an Urban Village
CITY COMFORTS is not about any particular city.
It is an attempt to shift the focus of public policy discussion from
systems and large projects and grandiose visions to the details that create
our daily experience. It is about a way of looking at and speaking about
our physical environment.
Partial thread listing: