Re: Cynical view of Decon!

It has disturbed me for quite a while that deconstruction/ism seems
to have generated such vitriol. When similar ideas were brought forth
in Physic(Bohr & Heisenberg), and in Mathematics(Goedel & Cantor), there
certainly was shock amongst scholars but in a rather short period of time
the fundamentals of uncertainty and doubt became intergrated into the
way mathematics and physics are percieved. Why all of this fear from
Literature and Architectecture? Does it have something to do with the
fear of being laid bare the science is? I really don't get it?

Absolutists seem to be those that fear deconstruction the most. Probably,
with good reason. But, how can anyone "honestly" approach research,
creativity, and any other sholarly pursuit without a good helping of
doubt? Isn't curiousity the reason why you do it?

Another thing, some in the "deconstructive" camp have gained an unseemly
pleasure from "disporoof"/disproof" . This si/// To my mind, this
is both a waste of time and really doesn't get us anywhere. Goedel's
revelation, - limits of logic, etc. - libr/liberated not improsons/imprisons
the mind. It opens new world s and new possibilities. It focusses
attention to the do-able. Its important to remember the distinction
between "desc/ "destuction" and "deconstruction". After di8solving
ideas like "progress", etc. , quite a few people are left with only
the worst of "relativism" and "nihilism". I for one don't see this
as the point of Derrida's writings. There is a lot more love,
compassion, spirit, soul, and play in his work to suggest this outcome.

So --- from a very uncunical perspective on Decon,

- ray
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