Re: Battleground High Art


Sandra Cannon answered your question about why words
and computer programs do not affect architecture: they
are tools for pushing a different addiction.

Word and graphic artists have no interest in the built
envrionment, indeed, they use entrancing artifices to
diffuse responsibility, or, more often, deploy these devices to
critique meat-worlders of failing to match the algorithmic
imaginary -- alignment of 7s is always imminent, keep
jerking the handle, pushing the puck, dropping the quarters.

And, boy, are fantasy publishersand gameboy-makers happy
about it, as Ms. Cannon displays. (Until their casinos collapse
on them.)

SGI has given a couple of dozen gambling and drug-making
machines to Columbia's School of Architecture, and several faculty
pushers/sharks are delirious about teaching ambitious young cons
to fleece offices and studios, assisted, to be sure, by bottom-deck
artisans SGI and Cybernautics.

Gehry's and Eisenman's addiction to CATIA is becoming pathetic.
These greying guys are still supporting national security-derived
contraptions, fronting for war-toy dual-use boxes, perpetuating
aerospatial dreams of glory without bearing any of the risk of
being remotely slaughtered.

VRML is, never forget, an invention for remote controlled killing,
and Cybernautics toy-treatment is a gross deception, like
CATIA's, like Manhattan architecture and criticism.
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