Re: price of gas

Mark Darrall wrote:
> At 12:39 AM 4/29/99 -0400, Michael wrote:
> >Yeah, it's time we raised it to somewhere near the level of European
> >prices -- about $5.00/gallon. That would begin to cover the hidden costs
> >of environmental destruction, wasteful use of raw materials,
> >uncontrollable sprawl and ... wars waged on countries like Iraq to keep
> >the prices down at artifically low levels.
> >Raising the price of fuel would, overnight, change the physical
> >appearance of the country and cut off the life-support system that fuels
> >the Big Box. You'd see chauffeur-moms (and dads) driving Honda Civics
> >instead of gas-guzzling SUVs. The US might begin to look something like
> >Sweden ...
> I don't kow if I want it to look like Sweden. I'd be happy if it looked like
> the good ol' USA---of about 1650!
> Oh, OK, we'd have some cities, but they'd have to be NICE cities---walkable,
> clean, human-scaled.

Well, it's not too bad here in Sweden, as a fact I have just sold my
for a Smart, a CityCupé you probaly don't know about. It origins from
but now owned by Mercedes. It's a 2-seater and takes almost no gas and
definitly looks 'smart'. For me it's not a question of lowering costs,
rather what I communicate - 'reduce to the MAX' which is my design
Check it out at

Igor Cronsioe architect/designer SIR
Living Design -> Archaid Hotel
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