Re: [design] list status

Brian, I am not being emotional, nor do I set to attack Anand personally. I was attacking notions of Semiology.

I wish both you and Anand would stop putting me in virtual control of Design-L. That's all in your heads. You too also seem to then what to control what I write. Only I can control what I write, and I see no reason for anyone else to control what I write. I have no real control over Design-L, but somehow I'm seen as having this control over it all.

I am not pissed at anyone. I'm in a very good mood, and have been for long time now. I'd love to read more posts from Anand at Design-L, and no not just to attack him, but I may attack what he posts. Neither you or Anand have ever met me in person, so don't assume you really know me why way you two think you do. Get a little better at reading my signs. ;-)


Re: [design] list status, brian carroll
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