H's necrophilia

A thumbnail Heidegger to a question and suggested answer:

The Human is afflicted with ontological duality: (1) "everyday" being that basically
pursues the formulaic round(generation/growth/decay or
ingestion/reproduction/evacuation) of brute existence; and is thereby the proper object of
the various sciences or "regional ontologies": biology, psychology, etc, which are in the
business of uncovering formulae/theory/essence; and (2)transcendant/ecstatic/rarefied
whose end is absolute or moral meaning; it cannot be reduced to formulae and is
only subject to exposition thru a dis-course of fundamental ontology. Tho with an identical
locus (equiprimordial), these two are antithetical("separated by an abyss"), practical and
moral, their respective ends (intenta). The condition of this ontological paradox is
peculiarly human and so termed "Dasein".

The former mode of being is a kind of status inertia. The second,
the transcendant, is actualized by a crisis of affect in the former; specifically, fear
of death (cf. Dante, "In the middle...of life...etc.). It is thereby precipitated into the
mysterium tremendum (the "dark wood") and in the degree of its courage,
resoluteness,...(divine grace), etc., seeks, albeit frequently falling back into inertia, a path
to the light (higher Truth) in the process acheiving an authenticity or wholeness or
ontological unicity
(justification, righteousness, etc.) and hopefully the ultimate understanding or
knowledge...The Answer, salvation, beatific vision.

If this partial distillation is accurate, H's necromania is a problem. This is after all
a very traditional onto-theology,
and while the tradition accords great prominence to the theme of death, it treats
equally of love, qua ontological inbreak (Abelard & E). Therefore, the totalizing of
death/Nothing must be a prejudice.
To wit: H is reworking the Western onto-theoligical text within the
Nietzschean/Spenglerian eschatological zeitgeist???????

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