Re: Heidegger and Mathematics

>I have meandered but I would like to add one final point to this
>less-than-wonderful barrage of outrage to the suggestion that Heidegger's
>thought be subjected to mathematical analysis: would the result of such an
>analysis make Heidegger more
>clear/simple/plain/economical/concise/precise/etc ? more positivistic? less
>provoking? more safe?
>Let us think.

Calculus can be an intuitive 'poetic' experience, holistic rather than
merely calculative, it's certainly a relation to one's own being, both
concealing and unconcealing, although perhaps Godel and Lucas have
demonstrated the finitude of formal systems as far as modelling the mind is
concerned (is the court still out on this one?). But what about
'uncertainty'? It has been suggested that _Being and Time_ was to have
provided the ontological ground for quantum physics, (presumably based on
Heidegger's own mathematical interests and his friendship with
Heisenberg?). If Dasein is essentially indeterminate then does this
indeterminacy become the ground for all regional ontologies? And in what
senses, mathematical or otherwize?

Why proscribe a 'mathematical' reading of Heidegger, in whatever ways that
might be played out? Does proscription make for a 'safer' Heidegger? And
especially where the mathematical intersects with H's somewhat problematic
interpretation of Plato, and mathesis becomes the 'fundamental
presupposition of all academic work', there does seem to be plenty of room
for speculation...


Ageometretos medeis eisito!


Malcolm Riddoch
Murdoch University
Western Australia

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