revealing thwanking

There is a difference between explaining and revealing that should not be lost
sight of. Revealing is saying how something shows itself of itself, without
distortion. Explaining is saying what one entity is in terms of another, thus
putting one entity in place of another. All explanation is causal in the broad
sense - relying on the construction of "because...". It always leads (away) from
one thing to another.

Wanking is enjoying oneSelf by bringing oneSelf to stand, perhaps even as a
response to the call of beyng. It is radiating one's own brilliance, these days
as a subject, showing what one is capable of (apophainesthai) while standing in
the clearing of the revealedness of cobeyng (togetherness). Thinking as
thanking, on the other Hand, is forgetting oneSelf in the surrender to what is
given for thought. Thoughtful thanking and wanking can appear to be
indistinguishable: thinking can appear to be wanking, and wanking can appear to
be thinking. The term "thwanking" is perhaps justified by this necessary

But thinking and winking are also related and the saying of the thinker of beyng
is a winking on into the coworld (togetherness) of beyng's translation into

Finally, the turning in the thinking of beyng came from the realization that
there is no path in thinking from the beyng of Dasein to the beyng of beyng as
such. With the turn, thinking starts directly with the truth of beyng and its

Michael Eldred ° artefact text and translation \\\ /// '''''''
artefact@xxxxxxxxxxx °°° made by art °°° ( ~ L ~ ) [ ° U ° ] { <-> } *( \_/ )*
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