stopping blinking thinking


Michael Eldred recently:

>The thinking of beyng, if it is anything at all, is not a thinking that
>puts into images and
>that in line with a (fore-seen) idea, it is rather: receptive, waiting
>that steps back. It is useless for the set-up of entities, whether in an
>institution or elsewhere.

(A)Fore-seen is seen-for (this or that). What puts a-head for it self
a-head of it self. Up against. It waits for ... One might attempt to
op-pose some kind of thinking that a-waited, a waiting thinking, thinking
under. But in truth such a waiting thinking that a-waits rather than
waits-for (this or that, the set-up, the Idea) is not op-posed. It is not
opposed. It is not posed. It does not institute.

Now we try to think, to talk of a-waiting, thinking waiting-thinking. We
can not simply talk about waiting(thinking); this puts waiting(thinking)
ahead as an aim or a target of thought -- this brings us to wait for
waiting(thinking) -- still, waiting-for. In stead we must a-wait a-waiting,
receive reception of the guest. We must stop, stop-in-its-tracks
(waiting-for ...) and a-wait what must be waited-for. How can we stop
(waiting-for)? What kind of thinking is this stopping-waiting-for? Could
sound like nothing, nothing much, nothing compared to the setting-up that
up-sets, that in-states, that institutionalises. The hard men of thinking
would see nothing outside of the setting-up, it passes them by, it
bye-passes, it cannot sit under the under-pass, it can not sit still.

But perhaps the a-waiting does not bypass the setting-up that puts into
(images). A-waiting (the guest, what must be a-waited, not images, not
Idea, not representation) may not be op-posed to or out-side of waiting-for
(this or that). Could we think that 'versus' has no-place here? Perhaps
waiting-for is a kind of a-waiting that a-waits a guest that has already
come be-fore? [If a job's worth doing it's already been done]. Perhaps
waiting-for (the thinking that sets up this and that) is an invitation to
ghosts as guests as geist; and is that why (in fact) the West is the most
spirit-ual of all? If waiting-for is a kind of a-waiting then versus would
have no home here, could not restlessly rest in its self-im-posed
inevitability (of never resting, of willing).

The El-Dreadful One with white heat:

>You go in with empty hands and come out with empty hands.
>Your heart may be full of nothingness, singing.

Singing the ringing of your heart. The sound of the hyp-hen that a-bridges
the gaps in the abysmal and abyssal emptiness be-tween words. Hello hyphen
my old friend...

How can we think the stopping of waiting-for (this or that) and a-wait
(neither this nor that)? The headlong rush that can not wait that is the
white light white heat of technology whose heart is the total totalisation
of every thing in the service of it self, the enslavement that (does not
even) think(s) it self free, that sets-upon it self in a never-ending
ending of thinking. How to stop. How to just wait (not nothing). How to
think waiting(thinking), how to stop not-stopping.

Michael L-Dread moves on:

>Is such acting (thinking) historical?

If thinking is acting is historical then thinking is
stopping-thinking(acting) is stopping-history (as acting/willing): freedom
>from revenge (justice = just is). The will-less will to will-less-ness. Oh
oblivion, but not quite.

I cannot get over the image of the ringing of stillness -- I have often
thought that sounds remain infinitely reverberating within the space or
room that they sounded within, pregnant with their re-sounding-ness. The
room provides the resonance, the almost ringing of near total feedback
(Hendrix) -- the sound of nothing, real loud. The room a-waits the sounds
that sound, is a-wash with their possibility, is pre-pared for their
advent. Is thinking like such a room, a room-ing, a sound-ing post. The
sound of posting the sound of silence. What one hears in a (perfect)
singing is the ringing-resounding of the room in which the singing takes
place. One hears the room. With thinking: thinking is listening to the
re-thinking, the re-collection, the at-tuning to the that which calls us to
think. Let us stop (the endless unending of thinking-of ...).

But don't stop thinking (the stopping).



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