Rhetorical capability

Cologne, 8 September 1996

Allen Scult has mentioned "Seinkoennen": "potentiality for being" or "being able
to be". Only because Da-sein is Seinkoennen can it throw itself forward into its
various existential possibilities understandingly. It has always already been
thrown into how it momentarily finds itself in its mooded situation.

Using rhetorical skill (capability) is definitely one existential possibility
that Dasein can throw itself into, i.e. choose. Since being-together habitually
involves persuasion, to this extent Mitsein is rhetorical: employing language to
effect a mood swing. Prior to rhetorical skill of course, there is the
understanding of mood as mood which has to be given before Dasein can learn or
think about ways of influencing it by what and how it speaks, i.e. moodedness
has to be gathered back into understanding to become rhetorically accessible.

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