A philosopher good and true

"Supposing truth is a philosopher--what then? Are there not grounds for the suspicion that all women, insofar as they were
capable of truths, have been very inexpert about philosophers? That the joie de vivre, the spontaneity, the empathic
understanding and immersion in the transitory and colourful if not so black and white present, with which they have approached
truth so far have been frivolous and very improper methods for winning a philosopher's convictions? What is
certain is that they have not allowed themselves to be won..."
Not Nietzsche's Preface to BGE.

>From: Iain Thomson <ithomson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: Truth?!?
>To: heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 05:38:10 +1200
>Reply-to: heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> "Supposing truth is a woman--what then? Are there not grounds for the suspician that all philosophers, insofar as they were
>dogmatists, have been very inexpert about women? That the gruesome seriousness, the clumsy obtrusiveness with which
>they have approached truth so far have been awkward and very improper methods for winning a woman's heart? What is
>certain is that she has not allowed herself to be won..." Nietzsche, Preface to BGE.
Erik Champion

--- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---

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