Re: Truth, correspondence, dynamis

Staples, Michael wrote:

> Well, I guess I'm going to have to read what Heidegger says about Aletheia.
> I know it as a negative term (can't remember what you call terms like that)
> meaning without "lethei" which was in Greek mythology a river in the
> underworld (presumably an extension of Orphic doctrine).

Heidegger frequently emphasizes (and calls into question) the
'privative' character of a-letheia. As for the 'Orphic' dimension, you
might want to have a look at the war-time lecture course on Parmenides
(GA54); an English translation exists (though not yet in paper). In a
central section of the course, Heidegger reads the 'Myth of Er' from
Plato's Republic precisely in the light of forgetfulness, the drinking
of the waters of Lethe, and so on.

Paul Murphy
University of Toronto

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RE: Truth, correspondence, dynamis, Staples, Michael
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