Re: Heavy thinking and casting

> Thinking about the multiple meanings of draft/draught, a more apposite
> translation of "Entwurf", usually translated as "project", has now
> to
> me: "casting". The out-standing thinker is the casting agent of being who
> helps
> cast beings in their being, casting the veil of being over them.

More of the same Heideggerian line: Pro-duction is the root of all evil
(sorry, forgetfulness). Casting forth beings on the assembly line.

> Thus, for example, Descartes casts beings as res extensa, which opens up
> mathematical access to them, making them amenable to Cartesian geometry,
> i.e.
> analytic calculus (differentiation, integration, etc.). This casting of
> beings
> has been refined since 1650, say, with the laws of electromagnetism, but
> the
> basic role remains the same.

Is this a thoughtless reduction?

> Thinkers as the casting agents of being have been and are often
> misunderstood,
> which makes them into a kind of outcast from the polis.

Lathe biosas.

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