Re: no -- where?

Hi Michael, you wrote:

>....... but whether one buys into this 'conspiracy' or not, my real
>question in my piece was whether humans can ever stop buying
>into revenge ...

Maybe it hasn't so much to do with revenge, but more with violence.

Traditionally violence 'an sich' is understood and legitimized as a
showing off of bio-political and/or territorial sovereignty; take f.i.
the War on Terror, which is both fought in Guantanamo/Abu Ghraib
and Afghanistan/Iraq. Yet the essence of sovereignty, as Agamben
tries to develop (cf. Homo Sacer), is not just the power to rule over/in
the state-of-exception, but a threshold between _nomos_ and _phusis_.

The essence of sovereignty, he claims, is a paradoxical border between
the inside and the outside of body and territory, between the inside and
the outside of justice and violence: i.e. a vibrant zone of creativity and
transformation, the precious realm of non-violence and proto-justice.

Maybe the task of the 'divine-human' (homo sacer) lies in reclaiming
this essential state of sovereignty, from where acts and movements of
territorial ultra-synthesis and dynamic noo-genesis can unite mankind
to share all the earth's richness in an ongoing psycho-universal flow of
convergent complexity.

Dare we think our future world as a _centrum sacer_, a boundless and
timeless centre, one wherein all of us will become _Der letzte Gott_
(cf. Beitraege) ?


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Re: no -- where?, michaelP
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