Re: [heidegger-dialognet] Re: god gods not god but gods a god [god is not be-...

> "sometimes [ragwort] an obnoxious weedpoisoned cattle in its
> induced by
> Heidegger!
> and toxic to cattle if consumed in quantity] "
> Ah indeed! The Essence of Truth revisted.
> Or Nietzsche.
> Jud:
> No such thing as *Essence* or *Truth* old boy.
> *Ragwort* yes - *Cattle* yes.
> Or even a matter of a poisoned cattle in its death-throws induced by
> Heidegger!
> Jud:
> No, you got it wrong - it was human beings poisoned by gas whose
> was helped by Heidegger's support of the Nazis
> that ended in their death-throws - not the cattle - they died LIKE
> Strangely it wasn't the first time that Heidegger assisted in the
> application of gas to human beings.
> That was his job in WW1 - predicting which way the wind was blowing in
> to gas the allied troops.
> No wonder his philosophy is so concerned with death - for by association
> was a murder too - all the Nazis were.
> Sleep Tight!
> Regards,
> Jud

Are all Labor Party members also murderers? Their achievements also rest on
war, destruction and genocide.
But you don't have to answer that; you too have the opportunity of becoming
a murderer in the twinkle of my eye.

Perhaps just Throe-wn,


--- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---

Re: [heidegger-dialognet] Re: god gods not god but gods a god [god is not be-..., GEVANS613
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