Re: Eisegesis or Anagoges of Truth

There is a saying among my people that jud G.E. the EVANS is a twentyfour
karat ASS HOLE of the seventy-first magnitude

Philip Baker wrote re Judface:

>If I would unwrap the hermetic sealing around your posts I would just
>find a troll

>Philip Baker

Yes troll is surely the most fit description for this nauseating
sophomoronic pseudosophisticized ego-spamming idiot - this penis sized
poster boy for the decline and fall of all meaningful thinking in the
twenty-first century.

Sad there never was any awe nor wonder welling up behind his tinker-toy
childish "Yah Yah Yah" and "gotcha" strategics mainly consisting of
tantraumatic orgies of belching up bile and smearing his ultranauseaous
pissoff flavored brownstained brainfiltered ego-scat out over everything he
__doesn't__ grasp, which is precisely everything higher than any ordinary
cretan-born grade school loud mouthed schoolboy bully can reason-ably grasp
- -

JUDGURL the athelete competes solo in a psuedo olympics where he imagines
no one will notice that the bar he sets himself to leap over is set only
half a millimeter above the mean level of Death Valley's bottom but which
meanwhile is still a Rocky Mountain mile too high above his misappointed
headpoint for any ability he possesses to rise any higher towards - - -

This shallow unwashed armpit stinking kindergarten shit-stirring brain dead
brat who, instead of experiencing the deepest awe which any deeper thinker
experiences - say when pondering over Heidegger's most ultimate question

"Why is there anything at all? Why, rather, is there not nothing?"

This, as the most ultimate of all possible human questioning, should
drop-stun any conciously aware person to the tips of their toes as whereas
it immediately obviates every thing we are able to think of as sacral
thingified god droppings today, including and foremost any and all
religionisticisms and any and all other subterreanean human all too human
strawman mentalisticizers - -

But, ok, ok, no 1 nor no 2 is ready for it yet, so - left only here just to
say - that instead of the acting out of this strategically intelligent
bot-cancelling act, rather, instead of that, this mentally reactive
unwashed nauseating JUD reactor, this hate driven kindergarten level
thinker JUDEVANS, would miss-take this most insurpassable of all possible
"why is" questions for a simple and easy off the cuff answerable one and
then yes, proceed to easily answer it off the cuff in tomic volumes of a
kinderbabble grade cleverness in brown scribbles anally scratched out on
reams of used toilet paper in which medium he is most mentally at home with

Heidegger, errorlessly here, is one of the few and extremely rare rarities
in the extremistically driven human animal's struggle of reaching up for
and toward something higher and a little farther along than this nauseating
JUDFOSTERED swamp fevered quotidian reactivity instantiated by the dumbest
dumbing down of the continually stupefied swarmings around the honey pots
of the mentally rancid reactive judhead/ jesus/ allah/ baal/ yahweh/
adinfinitum kill the bastards mentality of these mob-stirrerupper nihilists.

But, as meanwhile disregarding whenever possible the nauseating bloated
shithead centered GEVANS and his odoriferous presence here, or at least as
much as one possibly can, there still remains the question of what lies
behind the overall rapid decline in participation on most all of spoons
philosophy lists? Possibly it's the artificial JUDIFICATION of Being

or that is to ask:

Whereth now, quiveringly ported up today, are all those possibility striven
thinkers [sans the presently sailing Rene] of Nietzsche's possiblized open


whereat still, and even at this late day of Being an "in-living-color"
being, darkness still remains, blanketing vast tracts of britannia

or all this to say, that you, ms GEVANS, as the most nauseating
representative being of all possible human beanfuckers are, excrementally,
about the dumbest fucking psuedo intellectual (barring blackmagic tudor
here that is, who however has an excuse, being overafflicted with an under
investigated escue lordenite boil on his ass) i've ever had the displeasure
to read - - -

etc etc etc


--- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---

Re: Eisegesis or Anagoges of Truth, GEVANS613
Re: Eisegesis or Anagoges of Truth, Philip Baker
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