Re: originary difficulty

In regard to Foucault, the obscurity and the elegance claimed to be
missing from his late works may not be a result of his writing style _per
se_. If you are speaking about Foucault's works in terms of the English
translations, and I assume you are (correct me if I am wrong), then the
difference in clarity you detect may simply be a difference in
translators. Alan Sheridan translated Foucault's texts up to _Discipline
and Punish_. Robert Hurley translated the _The History of Sexuality_
volumes. The interesting point is that Sheridan is considered the more
competent translator in the Foucault circles I am familiar with. The
earlier works, in terms of translation, are thus held in higher esteem.
Of course, the point may not matter to the gist of what you had to say.
Sorry if I detracted from your thread.

Yours in discourse,

Steven Meinking
The University Of Utah
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